Vladislav I Sevostianov

Vladislav I Sevostianov
Vlad is supported by the National Defense Science and Engineering Research Fellowship (NDSEG). Vlad's research is focused on mid-infrared optical sensor development for the field. Research covers 4 primary areas, in additional to some side projects: (1) the development of low-cost plastic mid-IR retroreflectors and optical coatings, (2) the development of an open-path UAV mounted N2O sensor, (3) the creation of a long-path optical web system for tomographic reconstruction of gas emissions in agriculture, and (4) eddy covariance approaches for measuring fluxes. Vlad has also been involved with mobile lab measurements and three aircraft campaigns. This current work has led to 4 provisional patents. The UAV work was recognized with the Gerald O. Mott award from the Crop Science Society of America, and the optical web work with the Jerome Paros Scholarship for geophysical instrumentation from the American Geophysical Union.
Vlad is active in the the Princeton micro and nano fabrication center (Princeton cleanroom, PMI MNFC) and is a joint PhD student between the civil and environmental engineering department and the materials science institute. When not in the field or lab, Vlad can be found performing comedy or climbing snowy mountains.
Joint A.B: Earth and Planetary Science and Mathematics (honors), Secondary in Global Health and Health Policy, Harvard College, 2019