@article{1351, author = {S. Whitburn and M. Van Damme and L. Clarisse and S. Bauduin and C. Heald and J. Hadji-Lazaro and D. Hurtmans and M. Zondlo and C. Clerbaux and P.-F Coheur}, title = {A flexible and robust neural network IASI-NH $_\textrm3$ retrieval algorithm}, year = {2016}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres}, volume = {121}, number = {11}, pages = {6581{\textendash}6599}, month = {jun}, issn = {2169-897X, 2169-8996}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016JD024828}, doi = {10.1002/2016JD024828}, language = {en}, }